"Chaos on the Farm" is a 2023 mystery thriller film directed by Derek Sulek. The movie revolves around Jessica (Brook Sill), a woman who is dealing with the loss of her mother. Jessica is forced to visit her estranged aunt and uncle's farm to settle her mother's will. However, the peaceful and picturesque setting of the farm is soon shattered by a murder, leaving Jessica caught in the middle of a dangerous and complex situation. With the help of her family lawyer, played by Jake Busey, Jessica tries to uncover the truth behind the murder and untangle the web of secrets that surround her family. Clare Kramer also stars in the film as one of the farm's inhabitants. "Chaos on the Farm" promises to be a gripping and intense thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
"Chaos on the Farm" is a 2023 thriller film directed by Derek Sulek that tells the story of a woman named Jessica (Brook Sill) who is struggling to come to terms with the loss of her mother. When her family lawyer (Jake Busey) informs her of her mother's will, Jessica is forced to visit her estranged aunt and uncle's farm to settle her mother's affairs. However, the peaceful setting of the farm is soon shattered by a murder that leaves Jessica caught in the middle of a dangerous and complex situation.
As the story unfolds, Jessica tries to uncover the truth behind the murder with the help of her family lawyer. However, she soon realizes that the farm is hiding many secrets, and everyone around her seems to be a suspect. As the tension builds up, Jessica finds herself caught in a web of lies and deceit, and she must fight to protect herself and those she loves.
The film is known for its skillful blend of suspense and intrigue, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish [2]. It depicts the peacefulness of farm life and how quickly that can be disrupted by chaos [2]. The screenplay is written by director Derek Sulek and Eric Durham and is an enthralling yet realistic story that is not based on a true story [3]. The film's cast also includes Clare Kramer and Billy Armstrong [1].
Actor : Brook SillJake BuseyClare Kramer
Director : Derek Sulek
Release : 2023
Country : United States of America
Views: 2354
Tagline: Adventure , Action , Family.
Rate: PG-13
Language: English, Français, Malti
Budget: $ 123.456.789,00
Revenue: $ 123.456.789,00
Chaos on the Farm(2023)
Download | Quality | Language | Size |
Google Drive | 1080p | English | 2.2Gb |
Google Drive | 780p | English | 1.6Gb |
Google Drive | 480p | English | 800Mb |
Google Drive | 360p | English | 400Mb |
Multiup | 1080p | English | 2.2Gb |
Multiup | 780p | English | 1.6Gb |
Multiup | 480p | English | 800Mb |
Multiup | 360p | English | 400Mb |
StreamSB | 1080p | English | 2.2Gb |
StreamSB | 780p | English | 1.6Gb |
StreamSB | 480p | English | 800Mb |
StreamSB | 360p | English | 400Mb |
Usersdrive | 1080p | English | 2.2Gb |
Usersdrive | 780p | English | 1.6Gb |
Usersdrive | 480p | English | 800Mb |
Usersdrive | 360p | English | 400Mb |
1h 25m